BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I took a test again this morning...a second line showed up but it took a little while. I woke up about 3 hours earlier because nature was calling so I'm assuming that technically I didn't use first morning urine this time. It was only 3 hours in between...I really hope this was the reason for the test not coming up immediately positive like the other day but just in case I could really use prayers, thoughts, vibes, anything you can throw my way I will gladly accept.

I thought it would show up faster and darker because my levels should be doubling...I know I know stop stressing. I just don't want this to be a chemical pregnancy. You'd think after 3 positives including a digital that a chemical pregnancy would be a distant worry...but its not.


Sarah said...

I know I kept temping a few days and my temps were going up and down like crazy. It's enough to drive you insane! Try to not let it consume you :)

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping you in my T&P - I'm sure it's because you didn't use FMU - when is your doctor's appointment?