BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The appt.

Alright so I went in today for my date with the dildo cam. So far there is nothing to see. We kind of expected this since it was so early (only 4 weeks). The tech thought she might have seen a gestational sac but wasn't sure. They have ordered more blood work again for tomorrow so 48 hours from my last. I'm sure they want to make sure the HCG is doubling. They told me my level from the other day was around 500 and that my progesterone was so good they decided not to even check it again. So if you guys have ever looked up HCG charts .... isn't 500 a little on the high side for 14 DPO?

I was also told I had a uterine septum...I've never been told this...She said it was no big deal but if you look it up it doesn't seem like no biggie.

EDIT: No haha. A septum uterus seems like a big freaking deal!!! (Insert complete freakout)

Anyways, I will keep you updated for the next couple of days :-) Thank you so much for keeping us in your T&P. Please continue to do so!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are of course in my T&P - I check your blog daily for updates now! haha.

Check out this link:

I had to look up uterine septum...that is strange that they would JUST fill you in on this...