BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What we did...

So I always like to read what others might have done differently the cycle they got their BFP so I thought I would share what we did.

I have been taking a prenatal and started B6 in July. I have been on 100 mg daily. This was our first cycle using Preseed. We used it every time. We started BDing on cycle day 12 and continued every other day until I confirmed ovulation by charting.

So the Preseed and BDing was different. Rather than everyday around estimated O we just did every other day the whole month.


Anonymous said...

ARGH! haha - I've done that with no avail. BUT I am so glad it worked out for you guys! I'm just hoping my doctor's appointment will shed some light on WTF is going on - or not going on in our case.

bethany & andrew said...

I forgot to add doggy style haha! That was like on the day of O. I'm not saying that was it but I'm saying I have read about several people doing doggy style and getting pregnant haha...can't hurt