BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trading symptoms

So I woke up this morning with no more boob pain and the cramps subsided a couple of days ago. What has it been replaced with you ask? ACNE. Oh my gosh. Its not cystic acne like I had in high school...they are these little tiny dots EVERYWHERE. My forehead is solid! I'm debating getting bangs haha! I think I might also have some nausea, no tossing cookies quite yet though.

I have to say all of which I gladly accept! I feel like all of these things are good signs that the baby is growing :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha - I just went to the derm last week and she gave me some stuff that it suppose to clear up my acne I've been having. She told me it's safe to use while TTC and when pregnant so maybe talk to your derm and see if you can use it?