BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Miracle Lemonade?

"Miracle Lemonade"

1/2 cup grated ginger

1/2 cup honey

Juice of 3 Lemons

1qt water

Boil water and grated ginger then add lemon juice, strain the mixture and add honey. Refrigerate and drink as necessary for morning sickness.

This is supposed to help with morning sickness. It sounds gross but I've heard it's okay and tastes like spicy lemonade. It's worth a shot seeing as how plain water is near making me gag these days and soda all of the time (not caffeinated) probably isn't the best solution. I'm eating enough food to gain weight...I don't need empty calories from soda to add to my ever expanding ass :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope it works for you! You'll have to let us know!