BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, December 7, 2009


I have started charting...AGAIN. So ladies next time I'm like oh no more charting blah, blah, blah be like you have tried that twice and neither time it did ya any good. I was officially supposed to started on Saturday according to my normal 32 day cycles but this cycle is going to be anything but normal. Maybe its a fluke and my cycles will go back to normal after this or maybe we will catch our eventual O day. I mean if it doesn't come by the end of December I'll have to call the doc. For now and poor hubby doesn't know this yet we are going to have sex every other day until O. Why every other day and not everyday? Because we don't know how long this can take! So getting a break in there will help. In the meantime, my temp is 97.39, well below my usual coverline somewhere around 97.5. I have started to notice more CM lately too. I had sticky last week and I would say creamy over the weekend. Maybe I will see some EWCM and O this week. LETS HOPE SO!! Its funny...if I O this week we could stand in line for the fantasticness that is a Christmas BFP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope this works out for you! It can be a pain in the butt but it's useful!