BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Not today actually, yesterday. I know, I know...I shouldn't have tested, I don't even know when or if I ovulated for sure. But it was negative. I approximate if I ovulated on my average of CD17 I was 11 DPO. I am still not sure if I ovulated though. My temps were low and they still are but since I haven't been charting consectutively or at all for most of the month those few temps don't mean squat. But to add...I have been having tons of CM. It has ranged between creamy and sticky on some days. No EWCM though. Ugh, this is a total crap shoot. For the life of me I just can't figure out whether or not I want to chart. There are many reasons that I don't want to, lets review. I have control issues. By charting I feel like it is me just trying to control the uncontrollable. Yes, it makes me feel better but is it me not trusting God? Like He doesn't know what he is doing. Or He isn't in control of my life like I should let Him be? Or are most of you reading thinking sheesh its just charting!! I don't think I am truly stressed when I chart so that isn't a reason. I don't wake up earlier to chart except maybe on the weekends. Sometimes around O or the 2WW I get anxious to wake up and see what my temp is for the day but I don't see that as stress.

I don't know what I'm going to do. Again. I wish I didn't have to make a decision haha, just get a BFP...I'm gonna go munch on some ice cream and ponder...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't chart with my first 2 cycles and I'm charting with this one. It's just nice to know when your ovulating and to keep that in mind - or if you're not ovulating at all that cycle or ever.

There are cycles where you just don't ovulate and to be able to know that eases the stress for me. So if you notice your temps don't increase then you just didn't O and you know that without hoping for a BFP when you know it's not going to happen that cycle.

It's also great to know what days you actually ovulate in your cycle so that if you don't get your BFP this cycle you know which days are best to BD on because that is usually when you O.

It's up to you though, if you don't feel comfortable doing it because you feel it's in Gods hands, than don't.

I'm not terribly religious so I'm not on that fence with you - I just knew that I got BFN my first two cycles and I read that temping helps clear things up. So it can't hurt!