BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I think. I finally. O'd.

So I am here to give ya'll the skinny. If tomorrow morning I wake up with another high temp it will say I O'd on Monday with solid crosshairs. However, If I discard the the temp from Monday (could have been sleeping with my mouth open) it will say I O'd Saturday. Now for something even more fun coverline on ALL of my other charts is right around 97.4. Meaning Monday might have been more possible for me to ovulate on instead of Saturday. I just now finally broke the coverline! And I am feeling very warm woot! And we had good timing woot woot! Could I finally be in the 2WW?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah ha! I thought so....that dip in temp before made me think you might be Oing soon. I hope you're in the 2ww - I think I might be too finally but I won't know for sure until a few more days. Looking forward to updates!