BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, November 23, 2009


Yeah, I took my temp this morning to check and see if I could tell if I have ovulated or not. And...I can't. My previous charts show that this is either a coverline temp or my very first couple of temps after I have ovulated. I'm pretty sure I ovulated Saturday seeing as this was a coverline temp only once in like 10 charts. Still to be on the safe side I believe Mr. Hosey and I will be romping it up again tonight. And if you are counting tonight will make 8 days in a row. I do think tonight will be our last night though. My usual day to ovulate is cycle day 17 (Saturday). Today is 19 which is my latest day to ovulate. I don't know what to do but my lady bits and his man bits have had enough.



Anonymous said...

haha, I had to laugh because my DH actually turned me down the other day. He stopped and said "I cannot believe I just turned you down! I'm worn out though!"

I hope this last romp is the BFP you've been hoping for!

bethany & andrew said...

I'm surprised I haven't been turned down yet!

And thank you! I hope this is our BFP month too!!